Subject: | CPANPLUS not refetching missing cached items |
0 ~$ cpanp
CPANPLUS::Shell::Default -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v0.053)
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*** Using CPANPLUS::Backend v0.053. ReadLine support enabled.
CPAN Terminal> install Test::Legacy
[MSG] Checking if source files are up to date
[MSG] Retrieving /var/local/cpanplus/sourcefiles.2.13.stored
Installing Test::Legacy
[ERROR] File '/Users/schwern/tmp/Foo-Bar/inc/BUNDLES/Test-Legacy-1.2501.tar.gz' has zero size: cannot extract
Error installing 'Test::Legacy'
Problem installing one or more modules
CPAN Terminal>
This is the result of a failed Module::Install bundle attempt. CPANPLUS now thinks Test-Legacy has been downloaded into ~/tmp/Foo-Bar/inc/BUNDLES/ which has long since been deleted. CPANPLUS now cannot install Test::Legacy until I go in and delete sourcefiles.stored.
Caches have a habit of being deleted.
Upon not being able to find cached data, CPANPLUS should simply refetch rather than throw an error.