Gorgeous the version riddle here. Accompanied by the commit message '$VERSION is set by dzil'. Executive summary: the title-giving module had a version number once but not anymore and never as high as the current distro. All other modules have the higher version number, the same as the distro.
cpan[1]> m URI::Title
Module id = URI::Title
CPAN_USERID BOOK (Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <book@cpan.org>)
CPAN_FILE B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
INST_FILE (not installed)
cpan[2]> m URI::Title::HTML
Module id = URI::Title::HTML
CPAN_USERID BOOK (Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <book@cpan.org>)
CPAN_FILE B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
INST_FILE (not installed)
cpan[3]> ls BOOK/URI-Title*
2012 2014-12-17 BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.meta
17126 2014-12-17 BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
2581 2016-08-20 BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.meta
19056 2016-08-21 BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
cpan[4]> d BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
Distribution id = B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
CPAN_USERID BOOK (Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <book@cpan.org>)
cpan[5]> d BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
Distribution id = B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
CPAN_USERID BOOK (Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <book@cpan.org>)
CONTAINSMODS URI::Title::HTML URI::Title::Image URI::Title::MP3 URI::Title::PDF
cpan[6]> q
Lockfile removed.
Show quoted text>20:55:14 k@k83:~/src/cpanpm[tentative-next-commits]% grep BOOK/URI-Title-1.9 /home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/modules/02packages.details.txt
URI::Title 1.900 B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
URI::Title::HTML 1.901 B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
URI::Title::Image 1.901 B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
URI::Title::MP3 1.901 B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
URI::Title::PDF 1.901 B/BO/BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
Book, please let me know if you do not understand the above. I'm willing to help, just not sure how.
Maybe with this:
cpan[1]> install URI::Title
Running make install for BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
allow_installing_outdated_modules: BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz (called for URI::Title) contains module(s) that have a lower version than the CPAN index has registered (e.g. 'URI/Title/Image.pm' has version '1.900' while the CPAN index contains '1.901'). Do you want to allow installing it? [yes]
allow_installing_outdated_dists: BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz (called for URI::Title) contains module(s) that are indexed on the CPAN with a different distro: (e.g. 'URI/Title/Image.pm' is indexed with 'BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz'), and this has a higher distribution-version, i.e. version '1.901' is higher than '1.900'). Do you want to allow installing it? [yes]
make install UNINST=1 -- OK
cpan[2]> r /URI::Title/
Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
URI::Title::HTML 1.900 1.901 BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz
cpan[3]> install URI::Title::HTML
allow_installing_module_downgrades: BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz (called for URI::Title::HTML) contains downgrading module(s) (e.g. 'URI/Title.pm' would downgrade installed '1.900' to 'undef'). Do you want to allow installing it? [yes]
allow_installing_outdated_modules: BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz (called for URI::Title::HTML) contains module(s) that have a lower version than the CPAN index has registered (e.g. 'URI/Title.pm' has version 'undef' while the CPAN index contains '1.900'). Do you want to allow installing it? [yes]
allow_installing_mixed_up_and_downgrades: BOOK/URI-Title-1.901.tar.gz (called for URI::Title::HTML) contains a mix of upgrades and downgrades (e.g. the downgrade in 'URI/Title.pm' from '1.900' to 'undef'). Do you want to allow installing it? [yes]
make install UNINST=1 -- OK
cpan[4]> r /URI::Title/
Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
URI::Title undef 1.900 BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
1 installed module has no parsable version number
(use 'o conf show_unparsable_versions 1' to show them)
cpan[5]> o conf show_unparsable_versions 1
show_unparsable_versions [1]
Please use 'o conf commit' to make the config permanent!
cpan[6]> r /URI::Title/
Package namespace installed latest in CPAN file
URI::Title undef 1.900 BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz
1 installed module has no parsable version number
they are
Module < URI::Title (BOOK/URI-Title-1.900.tar.gz)
(use 'o conf show_unparsable_versions 0' to hide them)
cpan[7]> q
Warning: Configuration not saved.
Lockfile removed.
((Note: the version of CPAN.pm that used here is not yet released))