Subject: | System perl used in tests |
My smoker machines report the following failure:
Can't locate Sphinx/ in @INC (you may need to install the Sphinx::Config module) (@INC contains: /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016090206/Sphinx-Manager-0.06-0/blib/lib /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016090206/Sphinx-Manager-0.06-0/blib/arch /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.20 /usr/share/perl/5.20 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016090206/Sphinx-Manager-0.06-0/t/bin/searchd line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016090206/Sphinx-Manager-0.06-0/t/bin/searchd line 8.
Searchd not running after timeout at /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016090206/Sphinx-Manager-0.06-0/blib/lib/Sphinx/ line 224.
# Looks like your test exited with 13 just after 2.
t/manager.t .......
Dubious, test returned 13 (wstat 3328, 0xd00)
Failed 11/13 subtests
The @INC path indicates that /usr/bin/perl is used here, not the perl use for the current build. Usually it helps to use $^X at some point.