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This queue is for tickets about the Data-IEEE754-Tools CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 117041
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Data-IEEE754-Tools

Owner: petercj [...]
Requestors: petercj [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in:
  • v0.013_006
  • v0.014
  • v0.016

Subject: v0.013: isSignaling() and class() don't work on all implementations
v5.8.5 built for i386-linux-thread-multi isSignaling() and class() tests fail for POS_SNAN_FIRST POS_SNAN_LAST NEG_SNAN_FIRST NEG_SNAN_LAST Probably means that I need to add the function which tells whether doesQuietGetSilenced() [or similar name], and use that to affect the test suite (either by skipping tests or by reducing the number of rows in the @tests array, or by changing the expected value)
v0.013_006: FIXED BUG: fixing isSignaling bug in test suite + add isSignalingConvertedToQuiet() to indicate implementations that make it quiet + Test::More::skip() t/07 iff isSignalingConvertedToQuiet and (isSignaling or class eq signalingNaN) + Test::More::skip() t/08 iff isSignalingConvertedToQuiet and (one signaling other quiet)