On Mon Aug 08 19:53:33 2016, NEILB wrote:
Show quoted text> If you look at this report:
> It's saying:
> Provide a short description in the NAME section of the pod
> (after the module name followed by a hyphen)
> at least for the main module of this distribution
> The main module does have an abstract, but the pod looks like this:
> =head1 NAME
> Locale::KeyedText -
> Refer to user messages in programs by keys
> That's valid pod, but maybe there's a regex somewhere not coping with
> the newline?
It's not a problem in a regexp but its parsing logic that uses <$fh> (if it's a problem :)
See the following, from which this module stole the logic:
https://metacpan.org/source/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4218/lib/Module/Build/API.pod#L277-279 (API doc for the above)
I'm happy to fix this module when they also get abstract from multiple lines in a =head1 NAME, but for now, I'd rather suggest to fix the pod you mentioned, because it looks like it also confuses metacpan (see
https://metacpan.org/release/DUNCAND/Locale-KeyedText-2.1.0 ; there's no abstract for Locale::KeyedText).
BTW, it may be nice to improve the explanation of the metric, saying this is useful for ABSTRACT_FROM (EUMM) (and the likes) to work correctly.