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This queue is for tickets about the Data-IEEE754-Tools CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 116153
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Data-IEEE754-Tools

Owner: petercj [...]
Requestors: petercj [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: v0.012
Fixed in: v0.016

Subject: ulp() speed improvement
I was reminded v0.012 still uses ULP = $val - toggle_ulp($val), which seems an inefficient way of doing it. Since BrowserUK was wanting the ulp() functionality in something where speed matters, I ran some benchmarks using cmpthese(-60): Rate orig bysub bydiv orig 7596/s -- -31% -39% bysub 10935/s 44% -- -12% bydiv 12376/s 63% 13% -- cmpthese(1000000): Rate orig bysub bydiv orig 8273/s -- -22% -33% bysub 10595/s 28% -- -14% bydiv 12372/s 50% 17% -- Thus, want to replace existing ulp() with ulp_by_div()!