The following basic code works fine and does what you expect, and the "*" prototype is required to permit using STDIN as a bareword.
use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental 'signatures';
sub reader ( $line_sep, $chomp ) {
return sub ( $fh, $out ) : prototype(*$) {
local $/ = $line_sep;
my $content = <$fh>;
return undef unless defined $content;
chomp $content if $chomp;
$$out .= $content;
return 1;
*get_line = reader( "\n", 1 );
while ( get_line( STDIN, \my $buf ) ) {
print "Got: $buf\n";
However, Perltidy emits this:
Perltidy version is 20160302
There is no previous '?' to match a ':' on line 8
8: return sub ( $fh, $out ) : prototype(*$) {
.LOG attached.
perltidy version 20160302 log file on a linux system, OLD_PERL_VERSION=5.025001
Configuration and command line parameters for this run:
To find error messages search for 'WARNING' with your editor
Indentation will be with 4 spaces
Line 1 implies starting-indentation-level = 0
The nesting depths in the table below are at the start of the lines.
The indicated output line numbers are not always exact.
ci = levels of continuation indentation; bk = 1 if in BLOCK, 0 if not.
in:out indent c b nesting code + messages; (messages begin with >>>)
lines levels i k (code begins with one '.' per indent level)
------ ----- - - -------- -------------------------------------------
L2:2 i0:0 0 1 use strict;
L3:3 i0:0 0 1 use warnings;
L5:5 i0:0 0 1 use experimental 'signatures';
L7:7 i0:0 0 1 sub reader( $line_sep, $chomp ) {
######################## WARNING #########################
There is no previous '?' to match a ':' on line 8
8: return sub ( $fh, $out ) : prototype(*$) {
L8:8 i0:1 0 1 { .return sub ( $fh, $out ) : prototy ....
L8:8 i0:1 0 1 { >>>Start indentation disagreement: input=0; output=1
L9:9 i1:2 0 1 {{ ..local $/ = $line_sep;
L10:10 i1:2 0 1 {{ $content = <$fh>;
L11:11 i1:2 0 1 {{ ..return undef unless defined $cont ....
L12:12 i1:2 0 1 {{ ..chomp $content if $chomp;
L13:13 i1:2 0 1 {{ ..$$out .= $content;
L14:14 i1:2 0 1 {{ ..return 1;
L15:15 i0:1 0 1 {{ .};
L16:16 i0:0 0 1 { }
L16:16 i0:0 0 1 { >>>End indentation disagreement from input line 8
L18:18 i0:0 0 1 BEGIN {
L19:19 i0:1 0 1 { .*get_line = reader("\n", 1 );
L19:19 i0:1 0 1 { >>>Start indentation disagreement: input=0; output=1
L20:20 i0:0 0 1 { }
L20:20 i0:0 0 1 { >>>End indentation disagreement from input line 19
L22:22 i0:0 0 1 while( get_line( STDIN, \my $buf ) ....
L23:23 i0:1 0 1 { .print "Got: $buf\n";
L23:23 i0:1 0 1 { >>>Start indentation disagreement: input=0; output=1
L24:24 i0:0 0 1 { }
L24:24 i0:0 0 1 { >>>End indentation disagreement from input line 23
First indentation disagreement seen at input line 8
Last indentation disagreement seen at input line 23
Note: Indentation disagreement detection is not accurate for outdenting and -lp.
No lines exceeded 80 characters
Maximum output line length was 46 at line 8