Subject: | PATCH: -height argument is ignored |
It seems to me that Tk::Wizard ignores the -height argument (the window is sized just big enough to contain the widgets on the first page). This patch fixes this.
diff -c /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/
*** /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Thu Feb 10 10:26:06 2005
--- /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Fri Feb 11 11:18:28 2005
*** 764,770 ****
if ($args->{-wait}){
return $frame->pack(qw/-side top -anchor n -fill x/);
} # end blank_frame
--- 764,770 ----
if ($args->{-wait}){
! $frame->packPropagate(0);
return $frame->pack(qw/-side top -anchor n -fill x/);
} # end blank_frame
*** 966,974 ****
my $dirs = $frame->Scrolled ( "DirTree",
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-selectbackground => "navy", -selectforeground => "white",-selectmode =>'browse',
! -width=>40, height=>10,
-browsecmd => sub { ${$args->{-variable}}=shift },
! )->pack(-fill=>"x",-padx=>10, -pady=>0,);
$dirs->configure(-background=>$self->cget("-background")) if $self->cget("-background");
--- 966,974 ----
my $dirs = $frame->Scrolled ( "DirTree",
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-selectbackground => "navy", -selectforeground => "white",-selectmode =>'browse',
! -width=>40, -height=>10,
-browsecmd => sub { ${$args->{-variable}}=shift },
! )->pack(-fill=>"both",-padx=>10, -pady=>0, -expand=>1);
$dirs->configure(-background=>$self->cget("-background")) if $self->cget("-background");