Subject: | PATCH for imagepath typos |
There are two typos where -topimagepath is used instead of -imagepath (and vice versa). This patch fixes them.
diff -c /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/
*** /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Thu Feb 3 09:10:43 2005
--- /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Thu Feb 10 09:45:37 2005
*** 239,245 ****
-background => ['METHOD', 'background','Background',
$^O=~/(MSWin32|cygwin)/i? 'SystemButtonFace':undef],
-style => ['PASSIVE',"style","Style","95"],
! -imagepath => ['PASSIVE','topimagepath', 'Imagepath', undef],
-topimagepath => ['PASSIVE','topimagepath', 'Topimagepath', undef],
# event handling references
-nohelpbutton => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef],
--- 239,245 ----
-background => ['METHOD', 'background','Background',
$^O=~/(MSWin32|cygwin)/i? 'SystemButtonFace':undef],
-style => ['PASSIVE',"style","Style","95"],
! -imagepath => ['PASSIVE','imagepath', 'Imagepath', undef],
-topimagepath => ['PASSIVE','topimagepath', 'Topimagepath', undef],
# event handling references
-nohelpbutton => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef],
*** 263,269 ****
die "Bad installation! Missing default image $args->{-imagepath}" if !-e $args->{-imagepath};
if (not exists $args->{-topimagepath}
! or !-e $args->{-imagepath}){
warn "Can't find -topimagepath, defaulting ($args->{-topimagepath})." if exists $args->{-topimagepath} and $^W;
$args->{-topimagepath} = $Config{sitelibexp}."/Tk/Wizard/images/wizard_blue_top.gif";
die "Bad installation! Missing default image $args->{-topimagepath}" if !-e $args->{-topimagepath};
--- 263,269 ----
die "Bad installation! Missing default image $args->{-imagepath}" if !-e $args->{-imagepath};
if (not exists $args->{-topimagepath}
! or !-e $args->{-topimagepath}){
warn "Can't find -topimagepath, defaulting ($args->{-topimagepath})." if exists $args->{-topimagepath} and $^W;
$args->{-topimagepath} = $Config{sitelibexp}."/Tk/Wizard/images/wizard_blue_top.gif";
die "Bad installation! Missing default image $args->{-topimagepath}" if !-e $args->{-topimagepath};