Subject: | ISBN13 beginning with 979 not supported? |
$ perl -MDDS -MNet::Amazon -E '$r= Net::Amazon->new(associate_tag=>$TAG,token=>$TOKEN,secret_key=>$SECRET)->search(isbn=>"9791022400640"); say Dump($r);'
$Net_Amazon_Response_ISBN1 = bless( {
items => [],
messages => [ '9791022400640 is not a valid value for ItemId. Please change this value and retry your request.' ],
status => '',
=> undef,
xmlref => {}
}, 'Net::Amazon::Response::ISBN' );
But nowadays books with ISBN beginning with 979 start to appear... (try ISBN above on amazon website)
French locale (fr_FR.UTF-8) btw, if that can help.
perl v5.22.1