On Fri Apr 29 11:13:57 2016, MATEU wrote:
Show quoted text> I'm not quite sure what's going on here. MooX::Types::MooseLike only
> uses Role::Tiny (and Moo) for testing. Your log indicates Moo is
> installed and Moo requires Role::Tiny so it should be there. I can't
> find any duplicates of this issue via cpantesters either.
Okay, in that case, I _probably_ messed something up.
I was trying to isolate Amazon::DynamoDB crashing Kavorka. My instance-build script had installed Moo via apt-get, but I upgraded it with cpanm, then uninstalled it (and with it, reverse-depends like CHI) from apt-get.
My original issue ultimately turned out to be
https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=110623 so I think you're good to close this report.