Subject: | PATCH for wrong desktop directory |
You have several lines of code that carefully sets the value of self->{desktop_dir}, but then if the user clicks the Desktop button, you go to hardcoded ENV/Desktop directory (which does not exist on Solaris or linux). Here is a patch so that it actually goes to the directory you carefully chose.
diff -c /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/
*** /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Wed Feb 2 08:37:57 2005
--- /PROJECTS/perlmod/Tk-Wizard-Bases-1.06/ Wed Feb 2 08:38:33 2005
*** 994,1002 ****
if ($self->{desktop_dir}){ # Thanks, Slaven Rezic.
$frame->Button( -text => "Desktop",
-command => sub {
! ${$args->{-variable}} = "$ENV{USERPROFILE}/Desktop";
! $dirs->configure(-directory => "$ENV{USERPROFILE}/Desktop");
! $dirs->chdir("$ENV{USERPROFILE}/Desktop");
)->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'w', -padx=>'10', );
--- 994,1002 ----
if ($self->{desktop_dir}){ # Thanks, Slaven Rezic.
$frame->Button( -text => "Desktop",
-command => sub {
! ${$args->{-variable}} = $self->{desktop_dir};
! $dirs->configure(-directory => $self->{desktop_dir});
! $dirs->chdir($self->{desktop_dir});
)->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'w', -padx=>'10', );