Subject: | Email with embeeded image |
Date: | Thu, 24 Mar 2016 07:47:12 +0100 |
To: | bug-Email-Send-SMTP-Gmail [...] |
From: | Paolo Saudin <paolosaudin [...]> |
Dear Sirs,
I am trying to send an email with an embeeded image with the following
code, all works fine but in the gmail web client i get an attachment
"noname.txt" with zero byte size.
-from => $mailcnf->{mail_from},
-to => $mailcnf->{to},
-subject => $mailcnf->{subject},
-verbose => '1',
-body => $body,
-contenttype => 'text/html',
-disposition => 'inline',
-attachments => 'myimage.jpg'
and in the html:
<p><img src='cid:myimage.jpg' width='41' height='38'></p>
Is there anythink I am doing wrong ?
Paolo Saudin