Subject: | Suggested build in converter that solves quite some of hte issues mentioned. |
the following converter has worked for me in some projects.
Maybe it may be of some help to others
my $converter = Spreadsheet::XLSX::XLSXConvert->new();
require Spreadsheet::XLSX;
$oBook = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($fh, $converter);
package Spreadsheet::XLSX::XLSXConvert;
sub new {
my $module = shift;
return bless( { }, $module );
sub convert {
my $self = shift;
my ($raw) = @_;
#do NOT use 'USE utf 8;', as that would be a pragma saying this script itself is written in utf-8; (ie. is encoded in utf-8)
#just use the code below directly:
#also decode html escapes,
$raw =~ s/\&/&/g;
$raw =~ s/\</\</g;
$raw =~ s/\>/\>/g;
return $raw;