Subject: | Failed build, bad dox |
[pierce@silure PDL-Graphics-PLplot-0.18]$ make
gcc -c -I/users/C4/pierce/.perl-lib/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/PDL/Core -I/users/C4/pierce/include/plplot -I/users/C4/pierce/include -g -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -DVERSION=\"0.18\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.18\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE" PLplot.c
PLplot.xs: Dans la fonction « pdl_plpoly3_readdata »:
PLplot.xs:11841: error: too few arguments to function `c_plpoly3'
make: *** [PLplot.o] Erreur 1
The inconsistent use of PDL::Graphics::PLplot vs PDL::Graphics::PLplotOO also causes problems (for installing via CPAN [PDL::Graphics::PLplotOO], or filing an RT bug report[PDL::Graphics::PLplot]).
I also wonder, why not instead work on using something are likely to already have, like gnuplot?