Show quoted text> I'm not sure I understand the problem here. What specific set of
> installation directories would you like to install to?
On FHS-compliant systems, I'd like to install a file (meant to act as a
system library) to /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib, depending on the setting
of installdirs=(site|vendor). Other files should go to the usual
installation targets (lib, bin, script, etc.).
On other systems, sensible equivalent locations would be acceptable, but
I guess the question what these equivalents would be is difficult to answer.
The problem is that Perl's doesn't provide any installation
paths for system libraries (as opposed to Perl modules), so such paths
would have to be synthesized.
The $Config::Config{install(site|vendor)bin} =~ s/bin/lib/ thing I
described earlier could be one possible way to do this.
Another approach might be using one of the paths from
$Config::Config{libpth} depending on installdirs=(site|vendor).
To be more concrete, I am using Module::Build to install
Courier::Filter, which includes a "pureperlfilter" executable. That
executable isn't a regular program (which would go into
/usr(/local)/bin, i.e. the "bin" installation target, depending on
installdirs=(site|vendor)). It really is a plugin library for the
Courier MTA and should go into /usr(/local)/lib (on FHS-compliant systems).
Show quoted text> I'm pretty sure a combination of install_base and install_path
> settings should let you install to wherever you need to
Not really. install_base does something completely different from what
I need. install_path would indeed enable me to redefine one of the
existing installation targets (such as "script" or "arch") to point to
/usr(/local)/lib. But what I am suggesting is to add another
installation target for system (not Perl) libraries, "syslib", and
Module::Build to figure out roughly appropriate paths for it.