Subject: | Random test failures |
t/04PerlIO-via-CBC.t fails randomly. If repeated a couple of times, then it fails either like this:
not ok 7 - check plain text
# Failed test 'check plain text'
# at t/04PerlIO-via-CBC.t line 32.
# got: 'this is just a little blind text! this is just a little blind text!this is just '
# expected: 'this is just a little blind text! this is just a little blind text!this is just a little blind text!'
or like this:
ok 6 - opening 'test.cbc' for reading
Ciphertext does not begin with a valid header for 'salt' header mode at /tmpfs/.cpan-build-cpansand/2016022918/PerlIO-via-CBC-0.08-KYWpLi/blib/lib/PerlIO/via/ line 51.
# Looks like you planned 8 tests but ran 6.
# Looks like your test exited with 25 just after 6.
(Seen with perl 5.22.1 and 5.23.8 on a debian/wheezy system)