Subject: | Tests fail with German locale and perl >= 5.22.0 |
With a German locale (LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8; but other locales with a non-dot radix are probably also affected), on FreeBSD and Debian systems, with perl 5.22.0, 5.22.1, and 5.23.7:
Output from '/usr/bin/make test':
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/perl5.22.0p/bin/perl5.22.0" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01_load.t .................. ok
# Test 1 got: "6500 ft" (t/05_skydiving.t at line 24)
# Expected: "6,500 ft"
# t/05_skydiving.t line 24 is: ok( "$dist", "6,500 ft" ); # You shouldn't really have to convert these to strings,
# Test 2 got: "151,16 ft/s" (t/05_skydiving.t at line 25)
# Expected: "151.16 ft/s"
# t/05_skydiving.t line 25 is: ok( "$rate", "151.16 ft/s" ); # perl realizes then $rdate is an obj and "151..." is a string...
# Test 3 got: "3761,82 kg*m/s" (t/05_skydiving.t at line 26)
# Expected: "3,761.82 kg*m/s"
# t/05_skydiving.t line 26 is: ok( "$momentum", "3,761.82 kg*m/s" );
t/05_skydiving.t .............
Failed 3/9 subtests
t/10_metric.t ................ ok
t/15_exponents.t ............. ok
# Test 1 got: "27182818284,59 g" (t/20_longBIGfloats.t at line 16)
# Expected: "27,182,818,284.59 g"
# t/20_longBIGfloats.t line 16 is: ok( $s1, "27,182,818,284.59 g" );
t/20_longBIGfloats.t .........
Failed 1/1 subtests
t/25_scalar_reductions.t ..... ok
# Test 1 got: "8,65e5 miles" (t/30_sigfigs.t at line 17)
# Expected: "8.65e5 miles"
# t/30_sigfigs.t line 17 is: ok( $sun->sci( 3 ), "8.65e5 miles" );
t/30_sigfigs.t ...............
Failed 1/1 subtests
# Test 1 got: "1024 s^2" (t/35_powers.t at line 17)
# Expected: "1,024 s^2"
# t/35_powers.t line 17 is: ok( "$time", "1,024 s^2" );
t/35_powers.t ................
Failed 1/2 subtests
t/40_some_standard_values.t .. ok
t/45_boolean.t ............... ok
t/47_compare.t ............... ok
t/49_assbackwards.t .......... ok
t/50_zero.t .................. ok
t/55_exponents.t ............. skipped: (no reason given)
t/60_plurals.t ............... ok
LC_ALL=C on these systems, or other perl versions even with German locale are fine.