Subject: | Bug in Notebook of Curses UI |
Date: | Tue, 26 Jan 2016 10:23:39 -0500 |
To: | bug-Curses-UI [...] |
From: | Paul Tassinari <paul.m.tassinari [...]> |
When adding a Notebook widget inside of a Window, I am unable to click on
the Notebook Tabs if the parent Window has vertical padding. I verified
this by updating the
sub mouse_button1($$$$) {
my $this = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $ev_x = $event->{-x};
my $ev_y = $event->{-y};
debug_msg " mouse click at ($ev_x,$ev_y)";
# Focus window if it isn't already in focus.
$this->focus if (not $this->{-focus} and $this->focusable);
# If click was in the 'tabs' window.
if ($ev_y <= ($this->{-border} + $this->{-sbborder} ? 3 : 1)) {
# Figure out which page was clicked.
*Change made:*sub mouse_button1($$$$) {
my $this = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $ev_x = $event->{-x};
my $ev_y = $event->{-y};
debug_msg " mouse click at ($ev_x,$ev_y)";
# Focus window if it isn't already in focus.
$this->focus if (not $this->{-focus} and $this->focusable);
# If click was in the 'tabs' window.
*my $noborderMax = 1 + $this->{-parent}->{-ipad} +
$this->{-parent}->{-padtop}; my $borderMax = 2 + $noborderMax; if
($ev_y <= ($this->{-border} + $this->{-sbborder} ? $borderMax :
$noborderMax)) {*
# Figure out which page was clicked.
The Tabs work with that change