Subject: | Unable to open socket on port '8004' |
There is quite a number of fail reports at cpantesters --- see for an overview. Some (most? all?) of these look like this:
Bailout called. Further testing stopped: Unable to start server 'Unable to open socket on port '8004' : Address already in use IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
FAILED--Further testing stopped: Unable to start server 'Unable to open socket on port '8004' : Address already in use IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use
Probably this happens if a smoker machine executes the test suite for many perl versions in a sequence, and the server port of the previous run is still active (in netstat I see this as TIME_WAIT socket). Just an idea: maybe the server had an unclean shutdown? Or maybe it would help if you set something like ReusePort when creating the server socket?