On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 04:56:10AM -0500, Steffen Ullrich via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=110677 >
> Am So 27. Dez 2015, 15:19:03, ntyni@iki.fi schrieb:
> > This module warns when used with Perl 5.22:
> >
> >
> > % perl -we 'use Net::INET6Glue'
> > Not tested with Net::FTP version 3.05 at
> > /usr/share/perl5/Net/INET6Glue/FTP.pm line 15.
> > somebody else already implements FTP IPv6 support - skipping
> > Net::INET6Glue::FTP
> The goal of Net::INET6Glue::FTP is to provide IPv6 support for older versions of Net::FTP which
> don't have this support native. Since IPV6 support was added for Net::FTP with versions 3.x
> Net::INET6Glue::FTP is no longer needed and this is was this message is about.
Thanks for your reply.
Sure, I can see that Net::INET6Glue::FTP is not necessary any longer.
But why does loading Net::INET6Glue need to spit out warnings about
People might still want the INET_is_INET6 glue even with recent
libnet, right? Or has the whole module become obsolete?
I'm contemplating patching Net::INET6Glue in Debian to skip loading the
FTP glue and only load the INET_is_INET6 one, as we now have a recent
enough libnet. Does that make sense to you?
Niko Tyni ntyni@debian.org