Subject: | Tests may fail (between 00:00 and 03:00 UTC?) |
See for a sample fail report. The failure can be reproduced by faking special times, e.g. using Time::Fake:
$ pistachio-perl -Mblib -MTime::Fake=1449629999 t/DateStamp.t
not ok 23 - return_time: civilian string eval (short)
# Failed test 'return_time: civilian string eval (short)'
# at t/DateStamp.t line 107.
# ':59 '
# doesn't match '(?^:\d\:\d{2}\s[ap]\.m\.)'
not ok 24 - return_time: civilian string eval (long)
# Failed test 'return_time: civilian string eval (long)'
# at t/DateStamp.t line 111.
# ':59:59 '
# doesn't match '(?^:\d\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s[ap]\.m\.)'
not ok 25 - return_time: military string eval (short)
# Failed test 'return_time: military string eval (short)'
# at t/DateStamp.t line 115.
# '2:59'
# doesn't match '(?^:\d\d\:\d{2})'
not ok 26 - return_time: military string eval (long)
# Failed test 'return_time: military string eval (long)'
# at t/DateStamp.t line 119.
# '2:59:59'
# doesn't match '(?^:\d\d\:\d{2}\:\d{2})'
not ok 27 - return_time: string eval (localtime)
# Failed test 'return_time: string eval (localtime)'
# at t/DateStamp.t line 123.
# 'Wed Dec 09 2:59:59 2015'
# doesn't match '(?^:\w{3}\s\w{3}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s\d{4})'