Subject: | Tests fail with Plack 1.0038 |
Tests fail on my smoker machines starting with:
# Failed test at t/101.request.t line 156.
# Failed test at t/101.request.t line 194.
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 38.
t/101.request.t ...
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/38 subtests
# Failed test at t/102.response.t line 29.
# got: '500'
# expected: '200'
# Failed test at t/102.response.t line 30.
# got: 'Can't use string ("0") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /home/eserte/.cpan/build/2015120418/Plack-1.0038-pUMWmG/blib/lib/HTTP/Message/ line 120.
# '
# expected: ''
----- etc. -------------------------------------
Statistical analysis suggests that the failure is caused by Plack 1.0038. 1.0037 and earlier is OK.