Subject: | mylib/gen-tests.perl called too often |
This line in Makefile.PL is problematic in the build process:
# Not executed on "make test".
PL_FILES => { File::Spec->catfile(mylib => 'gen-tests.perl') => [ 'lib/' ] },
Contrary to the comment, gen-tests.perl is executed on _every_ make invocation, especially also when doing "make install". As "make install" is often done as root this means that the build directory ends with a number of files belonging to root. This may cause problems later if is trying to cleanup the build directory.
One possible solution to this problem would be to move the gen-tests.perl invocation into Makefile.PL. Probably it would also work if gen-tests.perl did a "touch lib/" as the end (but this feels even more hackish).