Subject: | Sophisticated version management |
I'm just presenting a few admittedly confusing findings I discovered
while trying to understand why I have so many smokers with 2.02
(1) The Makefile.PL for version 2.10 contains in line 40 and 62:
40: 'NAME' => 'Text::Bidi::private',
62: 'VERSION' => '2.10',
(2) There is no package Text::Bidi::private in 2.10 but there is use
of the namespace Text::Bidi::private
(3) There is no such thing as a $Text::Bidi::private::VERSION but
there is a dependency in the Makfile.PL:
45: 'PREREQ_PM' => {
57: 'Text::Bidi::private' => '0'
(4) There is a use statement in lib/Text/
13: use Text::Bidi::private;
(5) There was a Text/Bidi/ in 2.02, its VERSION was
undef. I was indexed on PAUSE.
(6) There was a $Text::Bidi::private::VERSION in 2.09, its value was
"2.09" but it was not indexed on PAUSE since there was a
'provides' in the META.yml that did not contain it
If the right amount of cleverness comes together, somebody will decide
that it needs to install version 2.02, and apparently did.
Maybe the above helps to figure out what's exactly wrong. Right now I
cannot say.
HTH && Thanks,