Subject: | 0.03 not indexed |
cpan[1]> m Data::Structure::Compare
Going to read '/home/eserte/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Fri, 18 Sep 2015 05:41:02 GMT
Module id = Data::Structure::Compare
CPAN_USERID SSQQ (Michael Songzhiquan <CENSORED>)
CPAN_FILE S/SS/SSQQ/Data-Structure-Compare-0.02.tar.gz
INST_FILE (not installed)
-> Which is not the latest available data_structure_compare-0.03.tar.gz
I assume the unusual distribution name is causing the indexer problems. Probably it's best to let EUMM create the tarball: "make dist" (or if you're using MB, the equivalent Build command).