so I re-considered the issue and came up with the patch following (attached):
now, if -UseApacheInclude is enabled, "IncludeOptional" is supported. In this case the behavior would be as described earlier. However, if -IncludeGlob is enabled as well, then the behavior will be that of Apache. That is, if the file included with "IncludeOptional" does not exist, no error will be thrown.
I achieved this with a little dirty hack: in such a case I just convert the filename into a glob which only matches this file, e.g.:
"dir/file" => "dir/[f][i][l][e]"
So, this makes "dir/file" optional, since now it is a glob, which are always optional.
I'd appreciate it if you could apply the patch to the latest unmodified (best would be to use the version in SVN revision 103) and test it a little bit.
Thanks in advance,
--- (revision 103)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -432,13 +432,13 @@
# applied patch by AlexK fixing
if ( !@include && defined $this->{ConfigPath} ) {
- foreach my $dir (@{$this->{ConfigPath}}) {
- my ($volume, $path, undef) = splitpath($basefile);
- if ( -d catfile( $dir, $path ) ) {
- push @include, grep { -f $_ } bsd_glob(catfile($dir, $basefile), GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_QUOTE);
- last;
- }
- }
+ foreach my $dir (@{$this->{ConfigPath}}) {
+ my ($volume, $path, undef) = splitpath($basefile);
+ if ( -d catfile( $dir, $path ) ) {
+ push @include, grep { -f $_ } bsd_glob(catfile($dir, $basefile), GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_QUOTE);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
if (@include == 1) {
@@ -722,12 +722,29 @@
# bugfix support quoted filenames
if ($this->{UseApacheInclude}) {
- if (/^\s*include\s*(["'])(.*?)(?<!\\)\1$/i) {
- $incl_file = $2;
- }
- elsif (/^\s*include\s+(.+?)\s*$/i) {
- $incl_file = $1;
- }
+ my $opt = '';
+ if (/^\s*(include|includeoptional)\s*(["'])(.*?)(?<!\\)\2$/i) {
+ $incl_file = $3;
+ $opt = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*(include|includeoptional)\s+(.+?)\s*$/i) {
+ $incl_file = $2;
+ $opt = $1;
+ }
+ if ($incl_file) {
+ if ($this->{IncludeGlob} && $opt =~ /opt/i && $incl_file !~ /[*?\[\{\\]/) {
+ # fix rt#107108
+ # glob enabled && optional include && file is not already a glob:
+ # turn it into a singular matching glob, like:
+ # "file" => "[f][i][l][e]" and:
+ # "dir/file" => "dir/[f][i][l][e]"
+ # which IS a glob but only matches that particular file. if it
+ # doesn't exist, it will be ignored by _open(), just what
+ # we'd like to have when using IncludeOptional.
+ my ($vol,$dirs,$file) = splitpath( $incl_file );
+ $incl_file = catpath($vol, $dirs, join '', map { "[$_]" } split //, $file);
+ }
+ }
else {
if (/^\s*<<include\s+(["'])(.+?)>>\\s*$/i) {