Subject: | POD renders incorrectly |
The POD renders incorrectly with perldoc and on
In the SYNOPSIS, the POD keywords literally show up (=over, =item, etc),
and the list does not render as a list of items on separate lines.
Here is a patch to fix the POD.
Subject: | diff-u.txt |
--- lib/Bio/ 2015-09-10 09:39:17.596988000 -0400
+++ ../Bio-Tradis-1.2.orig/lib/Bio/ 2015-09-08 11:08:29.000000000 -0400
@@ -23,23 +23,14 @@
Bio-Tradis provides functionality to:
=item * detect TraDIS tags in a BAM file - L<Bio::Tradis::DetectTags>
=item * add the tags to the reads - L<Bio::Tradis::AddTagsToSeq>
=item * filter reads in a FastQ file containing a user defined tag - L<Bio::Tradis::FilterTags>
=item * remove tags - L<Bio::Tradis::RemoveTags>
=item * map to a reference genome - L<Bio::Tradis::Map>
=item * create an insertion site plot file - L<Bio::Tradis::TradisPlot>
Most of these functions are available as standalone scripts or as perl modules.
=head1 AUTHOR