Subject: | Experimental keys on scalar is now forbidden |
Compilation of the module fails with perl 5.23.1 and later because of a new deprecation:
Output from '/usr/bin/make test':
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/opt/perl-5.23.2/bin/perl5.23.2" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
# Failed test 'use Mojo::IRC::Server;'
# at t/load_module.t line 8.
# Tried to use 'Mojo::IRC::Server'.
# Error: Experimental keys on scalar is now forbidden at /tmpfs/.cpan-build/2015082918/Mojo-IRC-Server-1.0.3-uxXeg9/blib/lib/Mojo/IRC/ line 244, <DATA> line 2231.
# Compilation failed in require at t/load_module.t line 8, <DATA> line 2231.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/load_module.t line 8, <DATA> line 2231.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
t/load_module.t ..
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests