Subject: | Patch to fix tests on mswin32 |
I believe this patch fixes the CPAN tester fails on mswin32 platforms.
The patch uses a numeric comparison instead of a string comparison.
Subject: | diff-u.txt |
--- ../Number-Spice-0.011.orig/t/convert.t 2000-08-14 10:51:15.000000000 -0400
+++ t/convert.t 2015-08-05 09:25:24.000000000 -0400
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
ok(number_to_spice(1e-12),'1p'); # 23
ok(number_to_spice(1e-15),'1f'); # 24
ok(number_to_spice(1e-18),'1a'); # 25
-ok(number_to_spice(1e-21),'1e-21'); # 26
+ok(number_to_spice(1e-21),1e-21); # 26
# advanced and pathological conversions
ok(normalize_spice_number('3.3V'),'3.3'); # 27