Subject: | Fails tests |
Perl changed how it used isa around 5.9.3 days I believe, so this module failed tests. In addition, if "" is not in %ISA on recent versions of Perl (well, more recent than this module), it gets loaded again which generates errors. The module works fine, but the tests need a patch.
This is obviously a very important package - I wouldn't want anyone thinking the quality of Acme isn't up to snuff.
Here's the patch:
*** Acme-Incorporated-1.00/lib/Acme/ 2005-07-05 19:03:50.000000000 -0600
--- Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/lib/Acme/ 2015-07-28 00:11:41.408667539 -0600
*************** sub fine_products
*** 18 ****
--- 19,22 ----
+ # Return on pragmas
+ if ($modfile =~ m/\.pm\.pm$/ ) { return; }
diff -cr -p0 Acme-Incorporated-1.00/t/base.t Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/t/base.t
*** Acme-Incorporated-1.00/t/base.t 2005-07-05 19:03:50.000000000 -0600
--- Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/t/base.t 2015-07-28 00:13:56.200966565 -0600
*************** $module->import();
*** 19 ****
! isa_ok( $INC[0], 'CODE',
--- 19 ----
! is( ref($INC[0]), 'CODE',
*************** is( $INC[0], \&Acme::Incorporated::fine_
*** 26 ****
--- 27 ----
+ my (%oldinc) = %INC;
*************** is( $INC[0], \&Acme::Incorporated::fine_
*** 27 ****
--- 29,31 ----
+ if (defined($oldinc{''})) {
+ $INC{''} = $oldinc{''};
+ }
I've also attached the patch (in case the above gets munged) and the patched base.t file that fixes this here, if you don't want to apply the patch.
Subject: | Acme-Incorporated-Patch.diff |
diff -cr -p0 Acme-Incorporated-1.00/lib/Acme/ Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/lib/Acme/
*** Acme-Incorporated-1.00/lib/Acme/ 2005-07-05 19:03:50.000000000 -0600
--- Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/lib/Acme/ 2015-07-28 00:11:41.408667539 -0600
*************** sub fine_products
*** 18 ****
--- 19,22 ----
+ # Return on pragmas
+ if ($modfile =~ m/\.pm\.pm$/ ) { return; }
diff -cr -p0 Acme-Incorporated-1.00/t/base.t Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/t/base.t
*** Acme-Incorporated-1.00/t/base.t 2005-07-05 19:03:50.000000000 -0600
--- Acme-Incorporated-1.00-patch/t/base.t 2015-07-28 00:13:56.200966565 -0600
*************** $module->import();
*** 19 ****
! isa_ok( $INC[0], 'CODE',
--- 19 ----
! is( ref($INC[0]), 'CODE',
*************** is( $INC[0], \&Acme::Incorporated::fine_
*** 26 ****
--- 27 ----
+ my (%oldinc) = %INC;
*************** is( $INC[0], \&Acme::Incorporated::fine_
*** 27 ****
--- 29,31 ----
+ if (defined($oldinc{''})) {
+ $INC{''} = $oldinc{''};
+ }
Subject: | base.t |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
chdir 't' if -d 't';
use lib '../lib', '../blib/lib';
use strict;
use vars qw( $looping $moving_on );
use Test::More 'no_plan'; # tests => 20;
my $module = 'Acme::Incorporated';
require_ok( $module ) or exit;
my @oldinc = @INC;
is( ref($INC[0]), 'CODE',
'default import() should install something in @INC that' );
is( $INC[0], \&Acme::Incorporated::fine_products,
'... a reference to fine_products()' );
my $non_random = \&Acme::Incorporated::empty_box;
my $breakage;
my (%oldinc) = %INC;
local (*Acme::Incorporated::bad_product, *Acme::Incorporated::breaks, %INC);
if (defined($oldinc{''})) {
$INC{''} = $oldinc{''};
*Acme::Incorporated::bad_product = sub { $non_random };
*Acme::Incorporated::breaks = sub { $breakage-- };
eval { require 'Some::Module'; 1 };
is( $@, '',
'loading a module should apparently succeed if empty box chosen' );
ok( $INC{'Some/'}, '... populating %INC appropriately' );
ok( Some::Module::some_sub(), '... installing always successful subs' );
local @INC = ( 'lib', $INC[0] );
$non_random = \&Acme::Incorporated::breaks_when_needed;
$breakage = 5;
eval { require 'BreakMe' };
is( $@, '',
'loading a module should succeed if breakable chosen' );
ok( $moving_on, '... breaking infinite loops' );
is( $looping, 5, '... looping while construct is true' );
$breakage = 9;
is( $moving_on, 2, '... potentially breaking for loops early' );
my $oos = Acme::Incorporated::out_of_stock( 'foobar', 'foo/' );
like( <$oos>, qr/print.+foobar is out of stock/,
'out_of_stock() should print an out of stock message' );
ok( ! $INC{'foo/'}, '... not populating %INC for module' );
my @breaks = map { Acme::Incorporated::breaks() ? 1 : () } 1 .. 1000;
cmp_ok( @breaks, '>', 75,
'breaks() should be true more than 7.5% of the time' );
cmp_ok( @breaks, '<', 125,
'... and false less than 12.5% of the time' );
my @subs = map { Acme::Incorporated::bad_product() } 1 .. 2000;
my @empty = grep { $_ == \&Acme::Incorporated::empty_box } @subs;
cmp_ok( @empty, '>', 150,
'empty_box() should be called more than 7.5% of the time' );
cmp_ok( @empty, '<', 250,
'... and less than 12.5% of the time' );
my @breaking = grep { $_ == \&Acme::Incorporated::breaks_when_needed } @subs;
cmp_ok( @breaking, '>', 150,
'breaks_when_needed() should be called more than 7.5% of the time' );
cmp_ok( @breaking, '<', 250,
'... and less than 12.5% of the time' );
my @nostock = grep { $_ == \&Acme::Incorporated::out_of_stock } @subs;
cmp_ok( @nostock, '>', 150,
'out_of_stock() should be called more than 7.5% of the time' );
cmp_ok( @nostock, '<', 250,
'... and less than 12.5% of the time' );