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This queue is for tickets about the PDF-Reuse CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 104951
Status: stalled
Priority: 0/
Queue: PDF-Reuse

Owner: cnighs [...]
Requestors: grantm [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: prTTFont causing "Warning: stream Length incorrect"
Sometimes if a PDF is created using prTTFont to embed characters in a TrueType font, the resulting document will have an invalid stream length. Different PDF reader software will react in different ways to the invalid stream length - some programs emit warnings, others refuse to open the document. The cause seems to be a missing newline character before the 'endstream' marker that terminates the stream containing the subsetted font glyph definitions. The code which appends the 'endstream' marker adds a newline character before 'endstream', but only if the stream did not already end with either a carriage return or a line feed. Since the stream is randomish binary bytes there's a 2-in-256 chance that a particular font subset will cause the newline to not be added. On my Debian (Wheezy or Jessie) systems this code consistently produces a PDF which shows the problem: my $arial_bold = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Bold.ttf'; my $text = 'ABCNOPSTWacdeghilmnoprstuwxyz012345679,@:/.'; prInitVars(); prFile('test.pdf'); blackText(); prTTFont($arial_bold); prFontSize(13); prText(60, 700, $text); prEnd(); One way to confirm the error is to convert the PDF to a PNG using ImageMagick(which uses Ghostscript): convert -density 100 -flatten -background white test.pdf test.png and emits this message: **** Warning: stream Length incorrect. The problem code it not actually in PDF::Reuse at all - it's in Text::PDF which is used for TTF font support. I'm only logging this ticket here to help people who might encounter this problem when using PDF::Reuse. This patch works around the problem for me but I'm not sure if it causes additional problems for PDF::Text: ======================================================= --- lib/Text/PDF/ 2006-03-17 22:39:17.000000000 +1300 +++ lib/Text/PDF/ 2015-05-30 08:36:15.324799534 +1200 @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ $pdf->out_obj($self->{'Length'}) if ($self->{'Length'}->is_obj($pdf)); } } - $fh->print("\n") unless ($str =~ m/$cr$/o); + $fh->print("\n"); $fh->print("endstream"); # $self->{'Length'}->outobjdeep($fh); } elsif (defined $self->{' streamfile'}) ======================================================= It's not clear if PDF::Text is still being actively maintained. I've sent the above patch to Martin Hosken and will update here if a new release fixes the problem. Regards Grant
On Wed Jun 03 18:59:22 2015, GRANTM wrote: Show quoted text
> > It's not clear if PDF::Text is still being actively maintained. I've > sent the above patch to Martin Hosken and will update here if a new > release fixes the problem. >
Let me know if you receive a response. If its not being maintained, I would consider taking it up. Chris
Any update on this?
Subject: Re: [ #104951] prTTFont causing "Warning: stream Length incorrect"
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:35:17 +1200
To: bug-PDF-Reuse [...]
From: Grant McLean <grant [...]>
On Wed, 2016-09-21 at 13:15 -0400, Chris Nighswonger via RT wrote: Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > Any update on this?
It appears to have fallen through the crack with the change in maintainer. I've logged a new ticket here: and also raised a pull request with the patch we're using to work around the problem. Regards Grant