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This queue is for tickets about the PadWalker CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 104673
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: PadWalker

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: ether [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: inconsistent handling between perl versions of subref argument
Below is an interesting discussion from #p5p. You may want to add a typemap to make the behaviour more consistent between perl versions, as TonyC suggests. 17:26 <%ether> huh. PadWalker::closed_over('My::Module::subname') works fine in new perl, but not in 5.16.3 and lower. 17:26 <%ether> it seems to want closed_over(\&My::Module::subname) in older perls. 17:26 < mst> that's ... how I've always used it 17:26 <%ether> the error is "PadWalker::closed_over: cv is not a CODE reference" 17:26 <%ether> I don't know where cv is coming from 17:27 < mst> uh, ok, so, what's happening is 17:27 <%ether> mst: I'd used PadWalker so often I didn't bother to RTFM, and using a string worked, so I shipped it. 17:27 < mst> closed_over is documented to take a subref 17:27 < mst> the argument is called cv 17:27 < mst> and whatever internal API it uses must have, in later perls, started accepting a string as well 17:27 < mst> and it's passing the input through to that API without touching it 17:28 <%ether> is this something that ppport.h might possibly paper over? 17:28 * ether finds that whole system a ball of black magic 17:28 <%ether> alh++ 17:28 < mst> which is using CvPADLIST 17:29 <%ether> cool 17:29 < mst> which ... what 17:29 < purl> i heard which ... was odd, yes? I mean, if invoking 'perl' gets $PERLLIB into @INC, is CPAN actively _removing_ it? 17:29 < mst> hrm 17:29 <%ether> PadWalker's docs do say subref, otherwise I'd send a doc patch to clarify 17:29 * ether fixes, reships 17:30 < mst> I don't get how that doesn't break 17:30 < mst> uhh 17:30 < mst> maybe the typemap changed for a cv arg? 17:31 * mst boggles 17:31 < mst> yeah, ok, I've no idea why the string version works 17:33 <%ether> I guess I was thinking of things like sort, which take subrefs or subnames interchangably, when I did that 17:33 < mst> yeah, and I'm betting that something got tweaked in how XS is compiled, which is now generating code that does that 17:35 < mst> BINGO 17:36 < mst> ether: 17:36 < mst> and PPPort does appear to come with some typemap-ish bits already 17:37 < mst> alh: ^^ can PPPort paper over ? 17:37 < TonyC> that would be more PadWalker providing a custom typemap 17:37 < mst> TonyC: are you sure? the differences in the core typemaps seem completely sufficient 17:38 < mst> and I don't see a typemap in the padwalker dist 17:38 < TonyC> if PadWalker prefers one of the two behaviours it can provide a custom typemap 17:39 < mst> I think the thought was more that PPPort could perhaps paper over the difference so dists that wanted to could have the newer behaviour; isn't that mostly what it does? 17:40 < TonyC> it provides APIs to older perls that were added to newer perls 17:40 <%ether> is the new behaviour more correct? should stringy subnames be treated as subrefs? 17:40 <%ether> arguably, the behaviour in newer perls isn't doing what PadWalker wants 17:40 < TonyC> the old typemap is using the APIs it uses correctly 17:40 < TonyC> if PadWalker wants the more restrictive form, a typemap is the place to do it 17:42 < mst> well, to my mind, what people use PPPort for is "I want this code to work the same across different perls" 17:42 < TonyC> though the old typemap might be broken for some corner cases, see RT #96872 17:43 < TonyC> which seems to be why the typemap was changed 17:49 <%ether> I wonder if it's worth bisecting to find the commit that changed this 17:49 <%ether> might be worth conferring with the person responsible to see if this was an intended side effect 17:49 < TonyC> ether: 8465c88d32 17:50 <%ether> ah, that's where you got RT#96872 from 17:51 < TonyC> yeah, I looked at a blame of the typemap and worked from there 17:51 <%ether> kk, and perl5180delta.pod has: The "CV *" typemap entry now supports "&{}" overloading and typeglobs, just like "&{...}" [perl #96872]. 17:52 <%ether> ergo, a good candidate for supporting in PPPort 17:52 < TonyC> PPPort doesn't provide typemaps though, which is where this is an issue 17:53 < TonyC> unfortunately the perl typemap isn't dual-life 17:53 <%ether> I'll open a ticket for alh to request this, and one for robinh pointing to this conversation and the ppport ticket. 17:53 <%ether> oh? I thought mst was saying it had typemap support 17:53 < TonyC> AFAIK it just generates ppport.h, maybe I'm wrong 17:54 < mst> oh, hang on, maybe I'm confusing that PPPort has to ship its own partial typemap to make the rest of its stuff work 17:57 < TonyC> Imager does something similar - provides a typemap for older perls In case that nopaste has vanished, its contents were: 5.16.2 lib/ExtUtils/typemap - T_CVREF STMT_START { SV* const xsub_tmp_sv = $arg; SvGETMAGIC(xsub_tmp_sv); if (SvROK(xsub_tmp_sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(xsub_tmp_sv)) == SVt_PVCV) { $var = (CV*)SvRV(xsub_tmp_sv); } else{ Perl_croak(aTHX_ \"%s: %s is not a CODE reference\", ${$ALIAS?\q[GvNAME(CvGV(cv))]:\qq[\"$pname\"]}, \"$var\"); } } STMT_END 5.20.2 T_CVREF STMT_START { HV *st; GV *gvp; SV * const xsub_tmp_sv = $arg; SvGETMAGIC(xsub_tmp_sv); $var = sv_2cv(xsub_tmp_sv, &st, &gvp, 0); if (!$var) { Perl_croak(aTHX_ \"%s: %s is not a CODE reference\", ${$ALIAS?\q[GvNAME(CvGV(cv))]:\qq[\"$pname\"]}, \"$var\"); } } STMT_END