Subject: | Remove unnecessary version and OS restrictions |
The following things seem unnecessary and prevent from installing the module on many systems:
* minimum perl version specification in Makefile.PL: this is very probably unnecessary and should be removed
* minimum module version specifications in PREREQ_PM section of Makefile.PL: this is also very probably unnecessary; if you have a reason to specify a minimum version, then it's good style to document the reason in a short comment here
* restriction to $^O eq 'linux' in the module itself: I don't see why other Unix-like systems should not work. The only problematic wide-spread system could be MSWin32 because $ENV{HOME} may be missing here (I don't know), but in this case you could use File::HomeDir instead, e.g. using code like this:
my $home = $ENV{HOME} || eval { require File::HomeDir; File::HomeDir->my_home } || die "Please specify home or install File::HomeDir";