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This queue is for tickets about the Domain-PublicSuffix CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 103374
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Domain-PublicSuffix

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: JARICH [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: get_root_domain doesn't play nice with (ASCII) IDN domains
Because the effective_tld_names.dat doesn't include the ascii representation of IDN domains, get_root_domain() for such a domain returns "Invalid TLD" If however, we rebuild the tld_tree using Net::IDN::Encode's domain_to_ascii, this works fine. This is not an error with Net::Domain::TLD or Data::Validate::Domain as recent enough versions of those recognise the ASCII IDN domains just fine (although it would be lovely if Net::Domain::TLD also used the effective_tld_names.dat file). As an obvious other issue, this code cannot work with non-ASCII IDN domains due to the narrow domain_private_tld regexp, and possibly for other reasons, too.
use feature qw(say); use Net::Domain::TLD qw(tld_exists); use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain); use Domain::PublicSuffix; use Net::IDN::Encode qw(domain_to_ascii domain_to_unicode); use Encode qw(decode); my $uri = "http://xn--p8j9a0d9c9a.xn--q9jyb4c/index.html"; my $domain = "xn--p8j9a0d9c9a.xn--q9jyb4c"; my $ascii_tld = "xn--q9jyb4c"; say "Net::Domain::TLD::VERSION: $Net::Domain::TLD::VERSION"; say "Data::Validate::Domain::VERSION: $Data::Validate::Domain::VERSION"; say "Domain::PublicSuffix::VERSION: $Domain::PublicSuffix::VERSION"; # Show that Net::Domain::TLD is happy with this tld say "tld_exists: " . tld_exists($ascii_tld); # Show that Data::Validate::Domain is happy with this domain say "is_domain: " . is_domain( $domain, { 'domain_allow_underscore' => 1, 'domain_private_tld' => qr/^[a-z0-9]+$/, } ) // "Not defined"; # Create suffix with most up to date effective_tld_names.dat my $suffix = Domain::PublicSuffix->new( { data_file => "$ENV{HOME}/effective_tld_names.dat", } ); say "Root domain is: " . $suffix->get_root_domain($domain); say $suffix->error(); say "Rebuilding tld_tree"; my $tld_tree = $suffix->tld_tree(); foreach my $tld ( keys %$tld_tree ) { my $decoded_tld = decode("utf8", $tld); my $ascii = domain_to_ascii( $decoded_tld ); if($decoded_tld ne $ascii ) { $tld_tree->{$ascii} = $tld_tree->{$tld}; } } $suffix->tld_tree($tld_tree); say "After rebuilding root domain is: " . $suffix->get_root_domain($domain); say $suffix->error(); __END__ Output: Net::Domain::TLD::VERSION: 1.72 Data::Validate::Domain::VERSION: 0.10 Domain::PublicSuffix::VERSION: 0.10 tld_exists: 1 is_domain: xn--p8j9a0d9c9a.xn--q9jyb4c Root domain is: Invalid TLD Rebuilding tld_tree After rebuilding root domain is: xn--p8j9a0d9c9a.xn--q9jyb4c bash-4.2$ perl -v This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 0 (v5.16.0) built for x86_64-linux (with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
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This is fixed as of 0.11.