I have a file that works on Windows 7 64 bit, and another on Windows XP 32 bit. I do not remember where I got the answers those number of years ago. I will simply upload the Net::NTP files that work.
On Windows 7 64 bit, install Perl as usual, then install Net::NTP as usual, then copy the NTP_mhn.pm file to NTP.pm, overwriting the original.
My thanks to whoever gave me the fix.
package Net::NTP;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use constant HAVE_SOCKET_INET6 => eval { require IO::Socket::INET6 };
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our $VERSION = '1.4';
our $TIMEOUT = 5;
our %MODE = (
'0' => 'reserved',
'1' => 'symmetric active',
'2' => 'symmetric passive',
'3' => 'client',
'4' => 'server',
'5' => 'broadcast',
'6' => 'reserved for NTP control message',
'7' => 'reserved for private use'
our %STRATUM = (
'0' => 'unspecified or unavailable',
'1' => 'primary reference (e.g., radio clock)',
for (2 .. 15) {
$STRATUM{$_} = 'secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP)';
for (16 .. 255) {
$STRATUM{$_} = 'reserved';
'LOCL' =>
'uncalibrated local clock used as a primary reference for a subnet without external means of synchronization',
'PPS' =>
'atomic clock or other pulse-per-second source individually calibrated to national standards',
'ACTS' => 'NIST dialup modem service',
'USNO' => 'USNO modem service',
'PTB' => 'PTB (Germany) modem service',
'TDF' => 'Allouis (France) Radio 164 kHz',
'DCF' => 'Mainflingen (Germany) Radio 77.5 kHz',
'MSF' => 'Rugby (UK) Radio 60 kHz',
'WWV' => 'Ft. Collins (US) Radio 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz',
'WWVB' => 'Boulder (US) Radio 60 kHz',
'WWVH' => 'Kaui Hawaii (US) Radio 2.5, 5, 10, 15 MHz',
'CHU' => 'Ottawa (Canada) Radio 3330, 7335, 14670 kHz',
'LORC' => 'LORAN-C radionavigation system',
'OMEG' => 'OMEGA radionavigation system',
'GPS' => 'Global Positioning Service',
'GOES' => 'Geostationary Orbit Environment Satellite',
'0' => 'no warning',
'1' => 'last minute has 61 seconds',
'2' => 'last minute has 59 seconds)',
'3' => 'alarm condition (clock not synchronized)'
use constant NTP_ADJ => 2208988800;
my @ntp_packet_fields = (
'Leap Indicator',
'Version Number',
'Poll Interval',
'Root Delay',
'Root Dispersion',
'Reference Clock Identifier',
'Reference Timestamp',
'Originate Timestamp',
'Receive Timestamp',
'Transmit Timestamp',
my $frac2bin = sub {
my $bin = '';
my $frac = shift;
while (length($bin) < 32) {
$bin = $bin . int($frac * 2);
$frac = ($frac * 2) - (int($frac * 2));
return $bin;
my $bin2frac = sub {
my @bin = split '', shift;
my $frac = 0;
while (@bin) {
$frac = ($frac + pop @bin) / 2;
return $frac;
my $percision = sub {
my $number = shift;
if ($number > 127) {
$number -= 255;
return sprintf("%1.4e", 2**$number);
my $unpack_ip = sub {
my $ip;
my $stratum = shift;
my $tmp_ip = shift;
if ($stratum < 2) {
$ip = unpack("A4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip));
else {
$ip = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", unpack("C4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip)));
return $ip;
sub get_ntp_response {
my $host = shift || 'localhost';
my $port = shift || 'ntp';
my %args = (
Proto => 'udp',
PeerHost => $host,
PeerPort => $port
my $sock;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(%args);
else {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%args);
die $@ unless $sock;
my %tmp_pkt;
my %packet;
my $data;
my $client_localtime = time;
my $client_adj_localtime = $client_localtime + NTP_ADJ;
my $client_frac_localtime = $frac2bin->($client_adj_localtime);
my $ntp_msg =
pack("B8 C3 N10 B32", '00011011', (0) x 12, int($client_adj_localtime), $client_frac_localtime);
or die "send() failed: $!\n";
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Net::NTP timed out getting NTP packet\n"; };
$sock->recv($data, 960)
or die "recv() failed: $!\n";
alarm 0;
my $client_recvtime = time;
if (my $err = $@) {
return if $err =~ m/^Net::NTP timed out/;
die $err;
my @ntp_fields = qw/byte1 stratum poll precision/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/delay delay_fb disp disp_fb ident/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/ref_time ref_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/org_time org_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/recv_time recv_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/trans_time trans_time_fb/;
@tmp_pkt{@ntp_fields} = unpack("a C3 n B16 n B16 H8 N B32 N B32 N B32 N B32", $data);
@packet{@ntp_packet_fields} = (
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\xC0") >> 6),
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\x38") >> 3),
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\x07")),
(sprintf("%0.4f", $tmp_pkt{poll})),
$tmp_pkt{precision} - 255,
(sprintf("%0.4f", $tmp_pkt{disp})),
$unpack_ip->($tmp_pkt{stratum}, $tmp_pkt{ident}),
(($tmp_pkt{ref_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{ref_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ),
(($tmp_pkt{org_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{org_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ),
(($tmp_pkt{recv_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{recv_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ),
(($tmp_pkt{trans_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{trans_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ)
my $dest_org = sprintf "%0.5f", (($client_recvtime - $client_localtime));
my $recv_trans = sprintf "%0.5f", ($packet{'Receive Timestamp'} - $packet{'Transmit Timestamp'});
my $delay = sprintf "%0.5f", ($dest_org + $recv_trans);
my $recv_org = $packet{'Receive Timestamp'} - $client_recvtime;
my $trans_dest = $packet{'Transmit Timestamp'} - $client_localtime;
my $offset = ($recv_org + $trans_dest) / 2;
# Calculated offset / delay
$packet{Offset} = $offset;
$packet{Delay} = $delay;
return %packet;
=head1 NAME
Net::NTP - Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
use Net::NTP qw(get_ntp_response);
my %response = get_ntp_response();
All this module does is send a packet to an NTP server and then decode
the packet recieved into it's respective parts - as outlined in
RFC1305 and RFC2030.
This module exports a single method (get_ntp_response) and returns an
associative array based upon RFC1305 and RFC2030. The response from
the server is "humanized" to a point that further processing of th
information recieved from the server can be manipulated. For example:
timestamps are in epoch, so one could use the localtime function to
produce an even more "human" representation of the timestamp.
=head2 EXPORT
get_ntp_response(<server>, <port>);
This module exports a single method - get_ntp_response. It takes the
server as the first argument (localhost is the default) and port to
send/recieve the packets (ntp or 123 bu default). It returns an
associative array of the various parts of the packet as outlined in
RFC1305. It "normalizes" or "humanizes" various parts of the packet.
For example: all the timestamps are in epoch, NOT hexidecimal.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl, IO::Socket, RFC1305, RFC2030
=head1 AUTHOR
Now maintained by Ask Bjørn Hansen, E<lt>ask@develooper.com<gt>
Originally by James G. Willmore, E<lt>jwillmore (at) adelphia.net<gt>
or E<lt>owner (at) ljcomputing.net<gt>
Special thanks to Ralf D. Kloth E<lt>ralf (at) qrq.de<gt> for the code
to decode NTP packets.
Copyright 2009 by Ask Bjørn Hansen; 2004 by James G. Willmore
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Net::NTP;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our $VERSION = '1.3';
our $TIMEOUT = 60;
our %MODE = (
'0' => 'reserved',
'1' => 'symmetric active',
'2' => 'symmetric passive',
'3' => 'client',
'4' => 'server',
'5' => 'broadcast',
'6' => 'reserved for NTP control message',
'7' => 'reserved for private use'
our %STRATUM = (
'0' => 'unspecified or unavailable',
'1' => 'primary reference (e.g., radio clock)',
for (2 .. 15) {
$STRATUM{$_} = 'secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP)';
for (16 .. 255) {
$STRATUM{$_} = 'reserved';
'LOCL' =>
'uncalibrated local clock used as a primary reference for a subnet without external means of synchronization',
'PPS' =>
'atomic clock or other pulse-per-second source individually calibrated to national standards',
'ACTS' => 'NIST dialup modem service',
'USNO' => 'USNO modem service',
'PTB' => 'PTB (Germany) modem service',
'TDF' => 'Allouis (France) Radio 164 kHz',
'DCF' => 'Mainflingen (Germany) Radio 77.5 kHz',
'MSF' => 'Rugby (UK) Radio 60 kHz',
'WWV' => 'Ft. Collins (US) Radio 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz',
'WWVB' => 'Boulder (US) Radio 60 kHz',
'WWVH' => 'Kaui Hawaii (US) Radio 2.5, 5, 10, 15 MHz',
'CHU' => 'Ottawa (Canada) Radio 3330, 7335, 14670 kHz',
'LORC' => 'LORAN-C radionavigation system',
'OMEG' => 'OMEGA radionavigation system',
'GPS' => 'Global Positioning Service',
'GOES' => 'Geostationary Orbit Environment Satellite',
'0' => 'no warning',
'1' => 'last minute has 61 seconds',
'2' => 'last minute has 59 seconds)',
'3' => 'alarm condition (clock not synchronized)'
use constant NTP_ADJ => 2208988800;
my @ntp_packet_fields = (
'Leap Indicator',
'Version Number',
'Poll Interval',
'Root Delay',
'Root Dispersion',
'Reference Clock Identifier',
'Reference Timestamp',
'Originate Timestamp',
'Receive Timestamp',
'Transmit Timestamp',
my $frac2bin = sub {
my $bin = '';
my $frac = shift;
while (length($bin) < 32) {
$bin = $bin . int($frac * 2);
$frac = ($frac * 2) - (int($frac * 2));
return $bin;
my $bin2frac = sub {
my @bin = split '', shift;
my $frac = 0;
while (@bin) {
$frac = ($frac + pop @bin) / 2;
return $frac;
my $percision = sub {
my $number = shift;
if ($number > 127) {
$number -= 255;
return sprintf("%1.4e", 2**$number);
my $unpack_ip = sub {
my $ip;
my $stratum = shift;
my $tmp_ip = shift;
if ($stratum < 2) {
$ip = unpack("A4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip));
else {
$ip = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", unpack("C4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip)));
return $ip;
sub get_ntp_response {
use IO::Socket;
use constant HAVE_SOCKET_INET6 => eval { require IO::Socket::INET6 };
my $host = shift || 'localhost';
my $port = shift || 'ntp';
my %args = (
Proto => 'udp',
PeerHost => $host,
PeerPort => $port
my $sock;
# $sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(%args);
# }
# else {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%args);
# }
die $@ unless $sock;
my %tmp_pkt;
my %packet;
my $data;
my $client_localtime = time;
my $client_adj_localtime = $client_localtime + NTP_ADJ;
my $client_frac_localtime = $frac2bin->($client_adj_localtime);
my $ntp_msg =
pack("B8 C3 N10 B32", '00011011', (0) x 12, int($client_localtime), $client_frac_localtime);
or die "send() failed: $!\n";
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Net::NTP timed out geting NTP packet\n"; };
$sock->recv($data, 960)
or die "recv() failed: $!\n";
if ($@) {
die "$@";
my @ntp_fields = qw/byte1 stratum poll precision/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/delay delay_fb disp disp_fb ident/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/ref_time ref_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/org_time org_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/recv_time recv_time_fb/;
push @ntp_fields, qw/trans_time trans_time_fb/;
@tmp_pkt{@ntp_fields} = unpack("a C3 n B16 n B16 H8 N B32 N B32 N B32 N B32", $data);
@packet{@ntp_packet_fields} = (
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\xC0") >> 6),
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\x38") >> 3),
(unpack("C", $tmp_pkt{byte1} & "\x07")),
(sprintf("%0.4f", $tmp_pkt{poll})),
$tmp_pkt{precision} - 255,
(sprintf("%0.4f", $tmp_pkt{disp})),
$unpack_ip->($tmp_pkt{stratum}, $tmp_pkt{ident}),
(($tmp_pkt{ref_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{ref_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ),
(($tmp_pkt{org_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{org_time_fb}))),
(($tmp_pkt{recv_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{recv_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ),
(($tmp_pkt{trans_time} += $bin2frac->($tmp_pkt{trans_time_fb})) -= NTP_ADJ)
return %packet;
=head1 NAME
Net::NTP - Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
use Net::NTP qw(get_ntp_response);
my %response = get_ntp_response();
All this module does is send a packet to an NTP server and then decode
the packet recieved into it's respective parts - as outlined in
RFC1305 and RFC2030.
This module exports a single method (get_ntp_response) and returns an
associative array based upon RFC1305 and RFC2030. The response from
the server is "humanized" to a point that further processing of th
information recieved from the server can be manipulated. For example:
timestamps are in epoch, so one could use the localtime function to
produce an even more "human" representation of the timestamp.
=head2 EXPORT
get_ntp_response(<server>, <port>);
This module exports a single method - get_ntp_response. It takes the
server as the first argument (localhost is the default) and port to
send/recieve the packets (ntp or 123 bu default). It returns an
associative array of the various parts of the packet as outlined in
RFC1305. It "normalizes" or "humanizes" various parts of the packet.
For example: all the timestamps are in epoch, NOT hexidecimal.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl, IO::Socket, RFC1305, RFC2030
=head1 AUTHOR
Now maintained by Ask Bjørn Hansen, E<lt>ask@develooper.com<gt>
Originally by James G. Willmore, E<lt>jwillmore (at) adelphia.net<gt>
or E<lt>owner (at) ljcomputing.net<gt>
Special thanks to Ralf D. Kloth E<lt>ralf (at) qrq.de<gt> for the code
to decode NTP packets.
Copyright 2009 by Ask Bjørn Hansen; 2004 by James G. Willmore
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.