27.03.2015 23:38, Father Chrysostomos via RT пишет:
Show quoted text> Queue: Storable-AMF
> Ticket <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=103009 >
> I think the module’s tests are at fault.
> 06-aux-utility.t contains this code:
> for (1..20)
> {
> my $a3 = [];
> @$a3= $a3;
> $addr = refaddr $a3;
> ref_clear($a3);
> #say STDERR refaddr($a3) unless $c{refaddr $a3}++;
> }
> {
> my $a3 = [];
> @$a3= $a3;
> is($addr, refaddr $a3);
> $addr = refaddr $a3;
> }
> So it’s checking that the [] in the second block reuses the same address as the [] in the first block. That has never been guaranteed.
> What exactly is this test’s purpose?
Memleak checking. Can you suggest better ideas for memleak checking?
It works for perl -V <= v20