This try/catch module implements syntax similar to java or python.
i.e. unlike "eval" any exception that are not caught by "catch block" is rethrown.
This module is (maybe) not consistent with other "try/catch" implementations in CPAN,
but it is consistent with principe: "Rethrow all unhandled exceptions".
If I implement try{ } without catch block, than it rethrows any unhandled exceptions, so it would be same as "do { ... }", but I think it is not needed wrap this by "try block" if "all exception may be rethrown" (i.e. none catch blocks --> none exceptions are caught). So I think "try{}" block without catch{} or finally{} is useless in this case.
Implementing "try {}" as "eval {}" would be inconsistent with other try {} catch {} blocks defined by this module, because:
- "try {} catch {} blocks" says "Rethrow all unhandled exceptions"
- "try {} finally {} blocks" says "Rethrow all unhandled exceptions"
- but "try {}" block would say "Ignore all unhandled exceptions"?