Missing debug data:
This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for sun4-
SunOS frodo 5.10 Generic_150400-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-2500
$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/local/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-
MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0,
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/00base.t ........................... 2/6
# Failed test 'use DBD::mysql;'
# at t/00base.t line 18.
# Tried to use 'DBD::mysql'.
# Error: Can't load '/export/home/brian/software/DBD-mysql-4.029/
blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so' for module DBD::mysql: ld.so.1:
perl: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/mysql/lib/
libmysqlclient.so.18: symbol __gxx_personality_v0: referenced symbol
not found at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14.2/sun4-solaris/DynaLoader.pm
line 190.
# at (eval 8) line 2.
# Compilation failed in require at (eval 8) line 2.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 8) line 2.
Bailout called. Further testing stopped: Unable to load DBD::mysql
FAILED--Further testing stopped: Unable to load DBD::mysql
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
LDLOADLIBS = -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lsocket -lnsl -lm -
Adding -lstdg++ resolves the problem:
LDLOADLIBS = -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lsocket -lnsl -lm -
lrt -lstdg++
Output from perl Makefile.PL --testpassword=<snipped> --mysql_config=/
I will use the following settings for compiling and testing:
cflags (mysql_config ) = -I/usr/local/mysql/include -g -
fabi-version=2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing
embedded (mysql_config ) =
ldflags (mysql_config ) = -R/usr/local/mysql/lib
libs (mysql_config ) = -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -
lmysqlclient -lsocket -lnsl -lm -lrt
mysql_config (Users choice ) = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
nocatchstderr (default ) = 0
nofoundrows (default ) = 0
ssl (guessed ) = 0
testdb (default ) = test
testhost (default ) =
testpassword (User's choice) = <snipped>
testport (default ) =
testsocket (default ) =
testuser (guessed ) = root
To change these settings, see 'perl Makefile.PL --help' and
'perldoc DBD::mysql::INSTALL'.
Using DBI 1.633 (for perl 5.014002 on sun4-solaris) installed in /usr/
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json