Subject: | Fixes for compatibility with new Mojo::JSON API [PATCH] |
In the latest Mojolicious releases OOP API was completely removed from Mojo::JSON. It now has only decode_json/encode_json and from_json/to_json functions. In the attached patch I made changes to support new API. I also made this module to be not a plugin, to make it easier to use it even if you don't create full Mojolicious application with startup() method (all the same monkey patching is global). And finally I added few tests.
This is mostly a copy of Mojo::JSON_XS (approved by Mojolicious author), but with JSON::XS as backend instead of Cpanel::JSON::XS.
Would it be possible to include this changes?
Subject: | mjxs.patch |
diff -uNr MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/lib/MojoX/JSON/ MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/lib/MojoX/JSON/
--- MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/lib/MojoX/JSON/ 2014-01-18 00:20:18.000000000 +0700
+++ MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/lib/MojoX/JSON/ 2015-02-03 16:30:06.185594979 +0600
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
package MojoX::JSON::XS;
-use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use strict;
use Mojo::Util qw(monkey_patch);
-use JSON::XS;
+use Mojo::JSON ();
+use JSON::XS ();
+use Types::Serialiser;
+our $VERSION = "0.02";
+my $Binary = JSON::XS->new->utf8(1)->allow_nonref(1)
+ ->allow_blessed(1)->convert_blessed(1);
+my $Text = JSON::XS->new->utf8(0)->allow_nonref(1)
+ ->allow_blessed(1)->convert_blessed(1);
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'encode_json', sub { $Binary->encode($_[0]) };
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'decode_json', sub { $Binary->decode($_[0]) };
-our $VERSION = "0.01";
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'to_json', sub { $Text->encode($_[0]) };
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'from_json', sub { $Text->decode($_[0]) };
-sub register
- monkey_patch "Mojo::JSON", encode => sub { return encode_json( $_[1] ); };
- monkey_patch "Mojo::JSON", decode => sub { return decode_json( $_[1] ); };
- monkey_patch "Mojo::JSON", j => sub { if(ref $_[0]) { return encode_json( $_[0] ); }
- else { return decode_json( $_[0] ); }
- };
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'true', sub() { Types::Serialiser::true };
+monkey_patch 'Mojo::JSON', 'false', sub() { Types::Serialiser::false };
@@ -27,23 +32,14 @@
- sub startup
- {
- # ...
- $self->plugin('MojoX::JSON::XS');
- # ...
- }
+ use MojoX::JSON::XS; # before exporting functions from Mojo::JSON
+ use Mojo::JSON 'decode_json';
+ print decode_json('{"a": 12, "b": 14}')->{a}, "\n";
-Replaces Mojo::JSON methods encode, deocde and j with JSON::XS equivalient.
+Replaces Mojo::JSON functions with JSON::XS equivalient.
This gives faster processing, and removes the unnecessary encode of '/' chars in strings.
-=head1 FEATURES
-It does not gracefully handle or skip blessed hashes
diff -uNr MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/Makefile.PL MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/Makefile.PL
--- MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/Makefile.PL 2014-01-18 00:01:53.000000000 +0700
+++ MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/Makefile.PL 2015-02-03 16:27:59.996978071 +0600
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
'LICENSE' => 'perl',
'AUTHOR' => 'Companies House <>',
'PREREQ_PM' => {
- 'Mojolicious' => '4.00',
- 'JSON:XS' => '3.01',
+ 'Mojolicious' => '4.82',
+ 'JSON:XS' => '3.0',
'dist' => { COMPRESS => "gzip -9", SUFFIX => "gz" },
# for ActivePerl:
diff -uNr MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/t/01_load.t MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/t/01_load.t
--- MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/t/01_load.t 1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
+++ MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/t/01_load.t 2015-02-03 16:24:51.048054355 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Mojo::JSON;
+my $encode_ref = \&Mojo::JSON::encode_json;
+my $decode_ref = \&Mojo::JSON::decode_json;
+isnt(\&Mojo::JSON::encode_json, $encode_ref, 'encode_json properly replaced');
+isnt(\&Mojo::JSON::decode_json, $decode_ref, 'decode_json properly replaced');
diff -uNr MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/t/02_json.t MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/t/02_json.t
--- MojoX-JSON-XS-0.01/t/02_json.t 1970-01-01 07:00:00.000000000 +0700
+++ MojoX-JSON-XS-0.02/t/02_json.t 2015-02-03 16:40:09.952546645 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use MojoX::JSON::XS;
+use Mojo::JSON ('encode_json', 'decode_json', 'false', 'true');
+ decode_json('[1,[true], {"foo": "bar", "xxx": false}, "doom"]'),
+ [1, [true], {foo => 'bar', xxx => false}, 'doom'],
+ 'decode valid json'
+ok(!eval{decode_json('[1, {foo}, []]')}, 'decode invalid json');
+ok(encode_json([1, [true], {foo => 'bar', xxx => false}, 'doom']), 'encode json');