Subject: | Settings appear to be ignored in Dist::Zilla |
I've added a simple test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Perl::Critic -profile => 't/perlcritic.rc';
all_critic_ok(qw/ lib /);
When run using prove, the tests pass. But when run using "dzil test", the tests fail because the profile seems to be ignored.
It's definitely finding the profile. When I put an invalid path, it shows errors. And when I add nonsense to it, it also shows errors.
The configuration just has
equivalent_modules = common::sense Moops
And the failures are
Code before strictures are enabled
So it seems to be ignoring the setting.
The modules that use common::sense fail these tests. Note that manually adding 'use strict' and 'use warnings' to the modules that fail does not remove the error either. The modules literally have the form
package Foo::Bar;
use strict;
use warnings;
Running "dzil clean" doesn't seem to have any effect.