Subject: | Color support for client |
This patch provides compatible support for color in the client. Enables P p + and @ options. Fixes a small bug in _parse_line.
Subject: | todo.patch |
--- 2010-02-16 03:13:24.000000000 +0200
+++ 2015-01-21 11:57:58.988289943 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
my %opts;
-getopts( q{+d:fhpPntvV@}, \%opts );
my $action = shift @ARGV;
if ( $action && $action eq 'command' ) {
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
usage( $opts{h} );
-my @unsupported = grep { defined $opts{$_} } qw( @ + f h p P t v V );
+my @unsupported = grep { defined $opts{$_} } qw( f h t v V );
if (@unsupported) {
warn 'Unsupported options: ' . ( join q{, }, @unsupported ) . "\n";
@@ -100,6 +100,74 @@
+ my %config;
+ sub _get_options {
+ return \%config if %config;
+ my ( $priority, $context, $project );
+ for ( @ARGV ) {
+ last if /^--?$/;
+ $priority += () = /P/g;
+ $context += () = /@/g;
+ $project += () = /\+/g;
+ }
+ getopts( q{+d:fhpPntvV@}, \%opts );
+ $config{ 'TODOTXT_PLAIN' } = $opts{ 'p' };
+ $config{ 'HIDE_PRIORITY' } = $priority % 2;
+ $config{ 'HIDE_CONTEXT' } = $context % 2;
+ $config{ 'HIDE_PROJECT' } = $project % 2;
+ return \%config;
+ }
+sub _default_config {
+ my %default = (
+ NONE => '',
+ BLACK => "'\\\\033[0;30m'",
+ RED => "'\\\\033[0;31m'",
+ GREEN => "'\\\\033[0;32m'",
+ BROWN => "'\\\\033[0;33m'",
+ BLUE => "'\\\\033[0;34m'",
+ PURPLE => "'\\\\033[0;35m'",
+ CYAN => "'\\\\033[0;36m'",
+ LIGHT_GREY => "'\\\\033[0;37m'",
+ DARK_GREY => "'\\\\033[1;30m'",
+ LIGHT_RED => "'\\\\033[1;31m'",
+ LIGHT_GREEN => "'\\\\033[1;32m'",
+ YELLOW => "'\\\\033[1;33m'",
+ LIGHT_BLUE => "'\\\\033[1;34m'",
+ LIGHT_PURPLE => "'\\\\033[1;35m'",
+ LIGHT_CYAN => "'\\\\033[1;36m'",
+ WHITE => "'\\\\033[1;37m'",
+ DEFAULT => "'\\\\033[0m'",
+# Default priority->color map.
+ PRI_A => 'YELLOW',
+ PRI_B => 'GREEN',
+ PRI_X => 'WHITE',
+# Default project and context colors.
+# Default highlight colors.
+ );
+ while ( my ($key, $value) = each %default ) {
+ $default{ $key } = $default{ $value }
+ if exists $default{ $value } && defined $default{ $value };
+ }
+ return \%default;
+sub _merge_config {
+ my ( $to, $from ) = @_;
+ while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %$from ) {
+ $to->{ $key } = $from->{ $key } if $from->{ $key };
+ }
sub add {
my ( $config, @entry ) = @_;
if ( !@entry ) {
@@ -247,7 +315,7 @@
my $todo = Text::Todo->new($config);
my @list = _number_list( $todo->list );
- my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, @list );
+ my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, $config, @list );
return _show_list_footer( $shown, scalar @list, $config->{todo_file} );
@@ -260,7 +328,7 @@
- my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, @list );
+ my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, $config, @list );
return _show_list_footer( $shown, scalar @list, $config->{'todo_dir'} );
@@ -279,7 +347,7 @@
my $todo = Text::Todo->new($config);
my @list = _number_list( $todo->listfile($file) );
- my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, @list );
+ my $shown = _show_sorted_list( $term, $config, @list );
return _show_list_footer( $shown, scalar @list, $file );
@@ -306,7 +374,7 @@
@pri_list = grep { $_->{entry}->priority } @list;
- my $shown = _show_sorted_list( undef, @pri_list );
+ my $shown = _show_sorted_list( undef, $config, @pri_list );
return _show_list_footer( $shown, scalar @list, $config->{todo_file} );
@@ -372,16 +440,51 @@
sub _show_sorted_list {
- my ( $term, @list ) = @_;
+ my ( $term, $config, @list ) = @_;
$term = defined $term ? quotemeta($term) : q{};
my $shown = 0;
my @sorted = map { sprintf '%02d %s', $_->{line}, $_->{entry}->text }
sort { lc $a->{entry}->text cmp lc $b->{entry}->text } @list;
+ my $highlight = sub {
+ return '' if $config->{ lc 'TODOTXT_PLAIN' };
+ my $color = $config->{lc $_[0]};
+ $color =~ s/'\\+033(\[(?:\d+;)*\d+m)'/\033$1/;
+ return $color;
+ };
+ my $clr;
+ my $prj_beg = $highlight->( 'COLOR_PROJECT' );
+ my $prj_end = $prj_beg ? $highlight->( 'DEFAULT' ) : '';
+ my $ctx_beg = $highlight->( 'COLOR_CONTEXT' );
+ my $ctx_end = $ctx_beg ? $highlight->( 'DEFAULT' ) : '';
+ my $ctx_repl = sub {
+ $config->{ lc 'HIDE_CONTEXT' } ? '' : "$1$ctx_beg$2$ctx_end$clr";
+ };
+ my $prj_repl = sub {
+ $config->{ lc 'HIDE_PROJECT' } ? '' : "$1$prj_beg$2$prj_end$clr";
+ };
foreach my $line ( grep {/$term/xms} @sorted ) {
- print "$line\n";
- $shown++;
+ $clr = '';
+ if ( $line =~ /^\d+ x / ) {
+ $clr = $highlight->('COLOR_DONE');
+ } elsif ( $line =~ /^[0-9]+ \(([A-Z])\) / ) {
+ $clr = $highlight->( "PRI_$1" );
+ $clr ||= $highlight->( 'PRI_X' );
+ $line =~ s/( \([A-Z]\))// if $config->{ lc 'HIDE_PRIORITY' };
+ }
+ my $end_clr = $clr ? $highlight->( 'DEFAULT' ) : '';
+ $line =~ s/(\s)(@(?:[^\s]+))/$ctx_repl->()/eg;
+ $line =~ s/(\s)([+](?:[^\s]+))/$prj_repl->()/eg;
+ print "$clr$line$end_clr\n";
+ $shown++;
return $shown;
@@ -448,12 +551,17 @@
my ($file) = @_;
my %config;
+ _merge_config( \%config, _default_config() );
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Unable to open [$file] : $!\n";
LINE: while (<$fh>) {
_parse_line( $_, \%config );
close $fh or die "Unable to close [$file]: $!\n";
+ _merge_config( \%config, _get_options() );
my %lc_config;
foreach my $k ( keys %config ) {
$lc_config{ lc $k } = $config{$k};
@@ -469,8 +577,8 @@
$line =~ s/\s*\#.*$//xms;
return if !$line;
- if (s/^\s*export\s+//xms) {
- my ( $key, $value ) = /^([^=]+)\s*=\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/xms;
+ if ($line =~ s/^\s*export\s+//xms) {
+ my ( $key, $value ) = ($line =~ /^([^=]+)\s*=\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/xms);
if ($key) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $config } ) {
$value =~ s/\$\Q$k\E/$config->{$k}/gxms;