Subject: | wishlist: API to expose even hidden packages |
There are cases where a .pm file may lack package statements for the purpose of indexing, but it may be desirable to know about them all the same.
This is a similar problem space to the "is_indexable" scope, except I'm at the starting point where I don't know how I'd scan for a given package name being *declared* but also being *intentionally hidden* for the sake of indexing.
For instance, I'm doing meta-provides data: I want to be making sure all files have namespaces that should have them, unless the files themselves declare "no, don't index me", because that condition is clear that it is not an error that there is no declared namespace>
Essentially, there's a trinary state:
1: A file has no package declarations
2: A file has package declarations but they're intentionally hidden
3: A file has an unhidden package declaration
Presently, #2 is seen like #1 and is an error/warning condtion, but I want #2 to be ignored as if it was #3
But the data is not so apparent as to how to do that.
Even with is_indexable, I can't ascertain this, because it appears as if it would treat case #2 as case #1, even if I constructed the expected namespace from the filename.