Thanks for the reply Phil.
The files were in Aperture and I exported them from there so I can archive them separately from the remainder of the Aperture library. They were originally scanned as PhotoCD images several decades ago and then read off those CDs as tiff images which were what was brought into Aperture.
The command I gave to exiftool, according to the help file, does not create the _original file since it is writing a new tiff to a new directory so the input file stays intact in the originating directory.
I’ll describe in some more detail what went on, maybe that will help sort out what happened. I have 882 files of these PCD images (~16GB) and I wanted to separate those that had relevant date info from those that didn’t so I could modify the latter manually. The files all have the extension .tif. I ran this command on the directory they are in
exiftool '-Directory<DateTimeOriginal' -if'$datetimeoriginal =~ /1984/' -d %Y .
I get this output to the terminal:
Warning: Tag 'if$datetimeoriginal' does not exist
Warning: No writable tags set from ./pcddisk_0649_001.tif
Warning: No writable tags set from ./pcddisk_0649_002.tif
Warning: No writable tags set from ./pcddisk_0649_003.tif
Warning: No writable tags set from ./pcddisk_0649_004.tif
. (continues for all the files)
1 directories scanned
3 directories created
182 image files updated
699 image files unchanged
The three directories created are “1984”, “1995” and “2010”. There are some files with datetimeoriginal data of 1984 or 1995. There are none with the date of 2010 that I know of but some do have a Modifydate of that year.
If I run “exiftool -s -all” on the file pcddisk_2045_012.tiff (note the new extension) created by exiftool in the directory 2010 I get the info in the attached file out1.txt. If I run the same command on the original file (taken from a backup directory) I get the minimal info in the attached out2.txt file.
The really odd thing is that if I run that “create_new_directories” command on just the original pcddisk_2045_012.tif file I get the message:
Warning: Tag 'if$datetimeoriginal' does not exist
Warning: No writable tags set from pcddisk_2045_012.tif
0 image files updated
1 image files unchanged
and no directory is created and no .tiff file written. I’d be happy to run some tests if you have anything to suggest.
On Dec 17, 2014, at 18:35, Phil Harvey via RT <> wrote:
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