Subject: | Method name conflict error displayed instead of module import error message |
Take the following minimal example:
~$ cat -n ; cat -n ; cat -n
1 use Moops; role BB { } 1
1 use Moops; role C {} 1
1 use Moops;
2 class M {
3 has m => ( is=>'ro', isa=>'MongoDB::Cursor' );
4 with qw(C BB);
5 }
~$ perl -c
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'before' must be implemented by 'M'
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'fun' must be implemented by 'M'
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'multi' must be implemented by 'M'
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'method' must be implemented by 'M'
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'after' must be implemented by 'M'
Due to a method name conflict between roles 'BB and C', the method 'around' must be implemented by 'M' at /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.1/Role/ line 212.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5.
I'm not entirely sure what the real underlying error is, but the error messages displayed is irrelevant. Depending on which module is referred to in isa=>'' either this error message or no error message is displayed, but I can't identify the pattern.